1. Furman is no stranger to Guinness, laying claim to a total of 94 official records with such bizarre feats as climbing Mount Fuji on a pogo stick, underwater rope jumping and lighting 27, 000 candles on a birthday cake in New York.
H; h* k:l g$ B* j 据路透社9月23日报道,在最新版《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》中,你可以知道世界上收到情人卡最多的豚鼠的名字——黑子。现年3岁、来自威尔士的这只豚鼠接到了多达206张此类贺卡,它们均寄自遥远的新西兰。
2. pogo stick jumping
2. His cane also doubles as an almighty pogo stick that can be used in various ways, which makes jumping a lot more fun.